At Family Care for Children & Youth, we strive to be more than just a social service agency. Instead, our mission is to be a team of experienced, compassionate, dedicated professionals who help to connect foster children with people who care. If you’re considering fostering a child and you’re not sure if it’s right for you, today’s post is all about the most common misconceptions about foster care. Learn more below.

Foster Children Are “Damaged Goods”
There’s nothing more beautiful than opening your heart to a child in need. Unfortunately, somewhere along the line, a stereotype of foster children as “damaged goods” formed. The reality is that foster children do often come from difficult backgrounds, and the truth is that they all have a need for a family life that’s loving and nurturing.
Parenting a Foster Child Will Hurt Your Children
Another common myth is that welcoming foster children into your home will hurt your children because they will feel like they’re not getting the attention they need. Although it is likely to take some adjusting, fostering a child is the perfect opportunity to teach your children the importance of caring for people in need. It’s all about communication, and when you become a foster parent, it’s important to take the time to be certain that your children understand what’s happening.

You’ll Get Too Attached
One thing we like to remind potential foster parents is that getting attached to a foster child isn’t something that’s negative — in fact, it’s a sign that you are a caring parent who wants the best for the foster children who stay with you. It is completely natural to develop feelings of affection towards foster children that you welcome into your life while helping them on a path to a better future.
You Could Never Do What Other Foster Parents Do
If you’ve ever thought, “I don’t have what it takes to be a foster parent,” then you’re not alone. If you’re mature, understanding, and a good communicator, you have exactly what it takes. It’s easy to look at other foster parents and think that you don’t have it in you to do what they do, but the truth is that if you have the above qualities and you’d like to help a child in need, you might just be the perfect candidate to be a foster parent.

There is no doubt that becoming a foster parent is a big decision, and at Family Care for Children & Youth, we want to equip you with the tools you need to succeed. Explore our website to learn more about our services, including family-based services, homemaker services, kinship care, adoption services, and more. Ready to become a foster parent? Contact us today.